Refining Conference and Exhibition: Projects, Technologies, Equipment, Catalysts
February 19-20, Moscow
About Conference
The conference, like the industry, has undergone great changes, but for 24 years in a row it has been bringing together oil refining industry professionals interested in new technologies, equipment, solutions, and seeking partnerships for effective projects implementation.

2024 showed great potential for the oil refining industry, but also revealed challenges. Some of them: unmet needs for equipment and spare parts, increased schedules, personnel issues, safety & HAZOP. It is expected that in 2025 there are good conditions for announced projects completion, the new facilities construction, domestic equipment production flourishing, and partnership development with foreign engineering companies and contractors.
Key topics of the conference
  • REFINING TODAY: CURRENT STATUS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS: markets, cooperation, supply chains, government support
  • REFINERIES MODERNIZATION: drivers, efficiency improvement, technologies
  • REFINERY MAINTENANCE: equipment, spare parts, repairs, catalysts, water treatment
  • CATALYSTS & ADSORBENTS: Russian, foreign, life cycle management
  • REFINERY OF THE FUTURE: ESG, personnel, digitalization, flexibility in modes and raw materials, closed-loop economy, AI and natural intelligence, integration of refining and petrochemistry
  • SAFETY & HAZOP: comprehensive security, risks, mitigation of possible consequences, colleagues' experience
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Conference venue
Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya is a historic hotel in the center of Moscow. The hotel building is an architectural monument and was built in 1954. For tourists and business travelers, the hotel offers accommodation, food and recreation services in Moscow.
+7 495 627-55-55
Moscow, st. Kalanchevskaya, 21/40
How did
REFINING 2024 go
More than 130 top executives and specialists from leading oil and gas companies, technology and services suppliers, distributors and licensors from Russia and China discussed strategic objectives and the latest industry achievements, market volumes and needs, and prospect investment development and modernization projects. The updates from design institutes, equipment suppliers, refining technologies and services were presented.

The event took place on April 2-3, 2024 in St. Petersburg, supported by Gazprombank and CONVERSUM. Organizer – Energy Leader.

The current state and prospects of the oil refining industry were presented by Oleg Skorobogatko, Head of Oil Refining Directorate of the Oil and Gas Analytics Department of the Fuel and Energy Complex Analytical Center. Director for Strategy and Transformation of Implementa, Alexander Bylkin, noted in his report that in order to achieve the functional development of oil refining, it is necessary to rely on effective management and integration of industry competencies. Representatives of Gazprombank and IAS Engineering and Consulting moved on to a more specific topic, talking about such tools for development as banking financial and technical audit of refinery modernization projects and banking support of contracts.

As part of the first open discussion “Russian refining: developments that are moving the industry forward”, representatives of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin, Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after. A.V. Topchieva (RAS) and LUKOIL discussed the main drivers for the successful development of the industry.

The head of the Oil Processing Technology Department at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin Vladimir Kapustin noted that the reason oil refineries are postponing the main launches of units until 2026 is the refusal of foreign companies to continue contracts for the design, equipment supply, new facilities construction and reconstruction of existing ones.
More photos available on _Flickr
Next, the conference participants were presented with a practical example of the results of the reconstruction of the Gazpromneft - Omsk Refinery in the face of new challenges. New approaches to the design and modernization of production facilities were also considered, in particular, an integrated approach to the analysis of chemical engineering (Protect Business Resource) and the features of technological service and expert support in modern Russian conditions (ONH-Holding). A representative from Ruichang (China) spoke about the advantages of a “modular” approach for modern refinery construction.

Particular attention was paid to the technologies and catalysts import substitution issue. Gazpromneft - Industrial Innovations presented to the conference participants the CONVERSUM technology for processing light low-margin refinery streams, the possibilities of import substitution of filtration (VNIIOS-nauka), the technology of solid-phase alkylation in a suspension reactor (Alvega), were also presented, additive technologies and reverse engineering to solve problems of import substitution of parts and spare parts (Lazer technologies, Kronstadt Engineering Company) and gas-powder volumetric extinguishing technology (Kalancha).

The focus was also on technologies and solutions to increase production margins. The conference participants got acquainted with Russian technologies and solutions for the production and purification of hydrogen: steam reforming, short-cycle adsorption, membrane hydrogen concentration (Grasys), a service for mobile purification of amine solutions from mechanical impurities and thermostable salts, used as a way to extend the service life of the absorbent (ReoCat), technologies for processing secondary raw materials and heavy oil residues in ROSNEFT (Srednevolzhsky Research Institute for Oil Refining), technologies for the production of alkyl gasoline (IPCS RAS), as well as Kapron additive packages to improve the performance characteristics of LPG-based gas motor fuels.

Traditionally, issues of digitalization and automated process control systems were considered. Conference participants were presented with presentations on the impact of IT systems on the ESG performance of oil refining enterprises (IBS), modeling of technological processes (Science), innovative methods of training engineers and technical workers in the oil industry (NovATrans) as well as a new approach to developing development programs and increasing operational efficiency in the context of import substitution (ICT).

As part of the round table “Smart Refinery”, issues of introducing digital solutions at enterprises were discussed.

The topic of decarbonization of Russian oil refining in modern conditions was also touched upon, the possibilities of which were described by a representative of IAS Engineering and Consulting.

As part of the round table “Sustainable development of oil refining industry enterprises,” a discussion was held on increasing energy efficiency at Russian refineries, the prospects and potential of renewable fuels, the prospects of CCUS as a technology for reducing CO2 emissions and the need for state support for certification projects.

In addition, representatives of the gas chemical industry had about 7 hours at their disposal for informal communication: during coffee breaks, as well as the Gala Cocktail.

-More information on the- PAST EVENTS
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Rates in Russian Rubles. Payment in other currencies will be discussed upon registration


· Access to all sessions during the conference

· Coffee breaks

· Lunches

· Evening receptions

· Presentations


· Access to all sessions during the conference

· Opportunity to present

· Coffee breaks

· Lunches

· Evening receptions

· Presentations


· Delegate package

· Place for your stand (3x2m)

· Roll-up banner printing

· Facilitating meetings with other delegates

Organization of excursions
to your company
How did last year event go

More photos from the event at Flickr

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February 19-20, 2025

Moscow, st. Kalanchevskaya, 21/40

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+7 (495) 627-55-55